Tuesday, October 29, 2019

You can choose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

You can choose the topic - Essay Example These are some important points that are critically evaluated in the work at hand. Han people, based on Confucian belief had special perspective about undeveloped land as something unproductive and should be deserted rather than to be improved (Williams 66). After all, â€Å"Cultural realities – including attitudes, values, preferences, perceptions and identities – can be just as important in shaping land use decisions as the material realities of political economy† (Williams 61). The underdeveloped lands were the most important places where nomads and the minority used to stay to earn a living and ensure their economic subsistence. â€Å"The nomads themselves had no written records until much later, and accordingly no old accounts are available from any source† (Lattimore 62). This means that the prevailing claim concerning the nomad lifestyles may at some point quite limited and should be taken into account further. Although this may sound quite a limitation, some findings suggest essential lifestyles linked to Nomads. As investigated, finding for new pastures was the primary intention of the Nomads like Kazaks after the Chinese Revolution of 1911 (Svanberg 113). As an addition to this, certain evidence suggests that there were some minority livelihoods that were said to flourish like in the case of Nuosu. â€Å"Nuosu subsistence economy has traditionally combined agriculture, pastoralism, and foraging activities including fishing, hunting, and fore stry. This kind of a mixed economy emphasizes diversification and insurance against disaster in several ways† (Harrell and Warren). This in other words suggests that even the minority population and livelihoods can still have the chance to flourish or grow and ensure economic sustainability. Han people believed that there should be peasants in the land in order to ensure land development, as a substantial point of action that will ensure the continuous link between the economy and politics. That is

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